ContentHub filesharing
To make file sharing easy between group of people. A user can upload files in his own ContentHub, and then the file/folder can be shared with specific people. Sharing with multiple people is very easy. Generate public links for files. Complete with registration, login, forget-password, reset password, logout, etc,. features.
Built on Laravel 11.x, Vue3, MySQL
GitHub links:
API written in Laravel 11.x, using laravel/sanctum, kalnoy/nestedset Infra Docker compose FrontEnd Written in Vue 3 using Tailwind, DaiseyUI, PrimeVue and pinia for state management
Key Features
- Files/folders represented as nodes. For nodes which are of type file, there is extra metadata stored for uploaded file.
- If node type is folder, it can be browsed like a directory
- Ability to create public shareable link
- Ability to share a folder to multiple people
- Full access to shared folder; can add, delete files from shared folder
- Ability to add tags
- Preview common fileTypes e.g. PDF, images, etc,.
- Social login